Typing Service, Writing, Editing and Translation for Business, Personal and Professional.
typing services, transcription, editing, proofreading and translation services to businesses and professionals and individuals, individual or mass with regard to data typing .
seek to solve the needs of working actors involved.
Our mission is to service quickly, with commitment to our customers and doing our job efficiently and with a high degree of excellence.
Below are the services we provide:
1 - Business:
A-Organization of Documents.
D-Docs. E-Transcript
Audio (Recording must be in good condition, without major disruptions and background noise). F-Transcripts
G-Building and Development Database: Names and Addresses, Emails, Surveys, Records, Etc.
2 - Professional and Personal:
F-Curriculum Vitae. G-
research work.
J-Records en General.
3- Traducciones:
A- Opciones de Idiomas a Traducir (Inglés, Francés, Alemán, Portugués, Italiano)
B- Traducciones de textos técnicos (manuales, literatura técnica, etc.)
C- Traducciones de literatura convencional (novelas, cuentos, best sellers, etc.)
Se trabaja con todos los tipos de formato (Word, Excell, Power Point) , además de ser respaldados en CD.
Nuestros precios son según volumen (mínimo: 10 páginas, x mayor sobre 50 Págs.), formato (tamaño hoja, espacio escritura, tamaño letra), impresión (blanco/negro, color), etc.; hacemos descuentos especiales by volume.
Note: If the text is reduced will be charged according to the number of pages that result in the specified format. Pickup and delivery
currently works in the following radio: Providencia, Santiago Centro, San Miguel, San Joaquin, La Florida, Puente Alto, PAC. , Cerrillos, Estación Central, Independence, Quinta Normal, Maipú. Soon we will serve the remaining districts of Santiago with pickup and delivery jobs in the locations specified by the customer.
jobs are received from around the country, the form of receipt of work to be done such as sending the work already done is by mail, courier service, mail, CD or DVD.
If you are interested in having our services, please contact the following ways:
Deborah F. Barrera
08-4779327, 09-2999614, 02-8337476, e-mails
: a-
serviciodedigitacion@gmail.com ,
Web Site: http://www.serviciodedigitacion.blogspot.com