Most start with everything, with two or three daily post. But these are soon lost in the intensity of posting and are left by their administrators.
First, we have to say that maintaining a blog takes time and dedication. The information or content must be interesting for those who visit, that way we can establish a conversation and a relationship of trust with our readers.
Many bloggers have become influential to the extent that Many companies will send their new products for them to do a review of it, and your readers trust what they say. In many cases they have become true leaders of opinion.
Blogs and your business
Now you have a company and want to enter this world of blogs. Have a friend who recommended that blogs can make lots of money, are visited, which will bring much revenue, etc; How do?.
Suppose you have a natural cosmetics company, and they are really good. The manufacture take care of nature, etc. What kind of blog created to promote their products?
First you have to think a blog is not used just to sell. If you want to do that is fine, but it is recommended to give something in return. A person who enters a page and feel that you are selling runs out, unless you've been meaning to go shopping. But think that this is not going to be the case for your site at first. So what could be done to give something to my readers? Each time you visit our site to give her a product? NO! That would be expensive mus. Gift coupons? That could be. But do not come out of the typical sales page and this is your site, how much money it cost ... So what do I do??
The best way to sell now is not selling ... Cómoooo?? Yes, as read. A majority of people are bothered that they can sell you things. How do you feel when someone phones and we want to sell something? In many cases feel invaded. Different is, if the caller gives you something that can solve a problem. Understand the point? You are not selling anything, you are troubleshooting a problem with that product. If you do not buy it will be lost to address that both haunted him ...
With blogs we follow that logic. So if I have a place of natural cosmetics I can build a blog that contains tips on body care and skin healthy alimantación, ecology, skin care, etc. There you would be providing information that matters to all persons who might come get their products.
How come your company in that game? For example being the sponsor of this blog, not the owner, but he supports the blog and its contents Habal.
As we said before a good blog becomes leader of the opinion of its readers. Thus advertising your company on this blog would have a positive effect on readers. Because if you trust what is said there also will rely on sponsor ...
So you would be ensuring that everyone who comes to her official website, is a customer really believe something very difficult to achieve by having a site newly installed e-commerce.
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