Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Bowie Knife With Stand

then present the first results of search engine optimization, portal www.derematecasas.com.ar
Objective: to position the website and blog with multiple search terms related to buy / sell and rent properties. In this way it seeks to attract investors, owners who want to sell, rent and / or purchase. Keywords
and its corresponding location and link for verification:
- Sale and rental of houses, apartments and land: No 3 and 4 in Google
- buy apartment La Plata: n ° 3 at Google
- Real Estate Discussion Forum: 1 in Google
- Large developments for investors: 2 in Google
- Rent a house in Villa Elisa: No 5 in Google
- Buy Owner to owner: 1 in Google
- Carlos Casares Field Buy: 1 in Google
- buy property, centrally located in La Plata: 1 and 2 in Google
- Sale home in La Plata No 11 in Google
- Sell your department today: 1 and 2 in Google
- Investors plants approved for execution of works: 1 in Google
- Buy Rent poultry farm: 1 in Google
- House for sale in Carlos Casares: No 3 and 4 in Google
- Field Sales in La Plata: No 9 in Google
- Field Sales Arana 1 in Google
- House for sale in Capital Federal: No 9 in Google
- Sale of building in La Plata: No 2 in Google
- Sale of building: No 9 on Google
- request rent No 5 and 6 in Goolge
If you are interested in our placement service please contact us the following mail: posicionamiento@blasonstudio.com, or phone: 54 221 4230 399
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Dragonball Doujins English
present approved designs for AMEPLA new website (Platense Medical unionization).

If your company is interested in web site development, corporate identity and Internet marketing, contact us:
Monday, October 13, 2008
Whooshing Sound After Toilet Is Flushed

Introducing the new website of Global Job, an international Human Resource Management. It is made of 5 languages: Castilian - Euskera - Català - Inglés - Deutsch .
acontinuación a brief presentation: Global Job
born to be your best ally in the Human Resources Management and the selection and recruitment in origin.
We are the leading company specializing in difficult to fill jobs and recruitment and hiring of any area from Iberoamerica. We take care of the necessary arrangements with the administration to obtain work visas and to the transfer of staff to the workplace contribute to responsible management of immigration.
Over 30 years experience in the Latin American market as leaders in the area of \u200b\u200bHuman Resources support us.
If your company is interested in web site development, corporate identity or marketing online, contact us:
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Portable Generator Stator Testing

present a new client who trusts our SEO service and internet marketing .
www.derematecasas.com.ar This is
DeRemateCasas Real Estate is a network across the country. What a public property in DeRemateCasas is seen around the country and the world. DeRemateCasas to subscribers does not charge any commission for any transaction being conducted. Only serves as a link between the two parties (the developer and the client).
The employment contract is for one year and aims to position with unlimited keywords properties for sale and rent that the company has published.
also created a Blog institutional where the company gives advice on real estate, how to buy property without risk, how to sell, what factors must be taken into account to make a risk-free real estate transaction.
institutional 20 videos were prepared in which the properties be advertised for sale.
The main objective is to position the brand DeRemateCasas as a reference for buying and selling real estate throughout the Internet.
To contact DeRemateCasas:
Telephone: (0221) 15-411-0916 - Nextel 615 * 162 - Email: santiagoblas@derematecasas.com.ar
If you are interested in our service Positioning can contact the following mail: posicionamiento@blasonstudio.com, or phone: 54 221 4230 399
Friday, October 10, 2008
Floor Board Heater Use

Here is a new client that relies on our job search engine positioning and marketing Internet.
Amburi - Innovation Real Estate:
- SEO Argentina and Spain with multiple search terms related to the activities of the company.
- Design and promotion of institutional blog
- Creation and promotion of corporate videos. Visit Youtube channel
For those who want to know more about this company you acrcamos a brief and sustained contact details:
Amburi is a company dedicated to providing excellent products and services in real estate for our customers.
Being leaders in the development and marketing of real estate products that meet the needs of our customers, exceeding their expectations for design, quality and warranty.
Av Alicia Moreau de Justo 740 Piso 3
Office 1 - (C1107AAP)
Puerto Madero - Dock 5
Bs - Argentina
Tel 54 011 5-235-3909 Fax. 5-199-0691
If you are interested in our positioning service you can contact the following mail: posicionamiento@blasonstudio.com, or phone: 54 221 4230 399
Friday, September 19, 2008
Adult Plastic Snowboard

are already positioning results Revinsa industrial coatings. For those unfamiliar with this company we state a summary of it:
Revinsa - Company dedicated to the manufacture, commercialization and application of industrial coatings. Anticorrosive coatings. Industrial Floors. Coatings on steel, concrete and waterproofing. Industrial coatings, water tank. Surface treatments.
positioned Search Terms:
Industrial Coatings n ª 1 ;;;;;
anticorrosive coating n ª 8 ;;;;;
Industrial floors nth 26 ;;;;
Manufacturing industrial floors n ª 1 ;;;;;
Manufacture industrial coatings n ª 1 ;;;;
Manufacturing anticorrosive coatings n ª 1;; ;;;
Marketing anticorrosive coatings n ª 1 ;;;;;
Marketing industrial coatings n ª 1 ;;;;;
Marketing industrial floors n ª 3 ;;;;
If you are interested in our positioning service you can contact the following mail: posicionamiento@blasonstudio.com, or phone: 54 221 4230 399
Mfc-9420cn Toner Level

then present the results of work positioning Site Language Study - Andrea Diaz
Here is a reference work: ANDREA DIAZ Study of Languages \u200b\u200bis a company that offers interpretation and translation services for English language and Castilian Castilian to English . Our services are geared to the technical, legal, commercial, journalistic, scientific and literary.
positioning is taking place in Google USA, Argentina and Spain.
find below the key words are positioning and location in each of these countries.
Note: the dots are the links to check the veracity of what we suggest.
languages \u200b\u200band translation studies:
Argentina: Since n ª 1! ......
USA: Since n ª 1! ......
Spain: Since n ª 1 and 2! ......
Language Study:
Argentina: Since n ª 32 ......
USA: Since n ª 1 and 2 !!!!! ......
Spain: Since n ª 2 and 3! ......
idiomas.com Translator:
Argentina: Since n ª 5 ......
USA: Since n! 10 .......
Spain: Since n ª 8 ......
Translation Studies
Argentina: Since n ª 8 ......
USA: Since n ª 64 .....
Spain: Since n ª 7 ......
Translate English study
Argentina: Since n ª 1! ......
USA: Since n ª 10 ......
Spain: Since n ª 2!! ......
If you are interested in our positioning service you can contact the following mail: posicionamiento@blasonstudio.com, or phone: 54 221 4230 399
Friday, September 12, 2008
I Wanna Sell My Madame Alexander Dolls

Illustrator and Flash.
Start: Tuesday 23.09.2008
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 11
Queries: 0221 4230399 or cursos@blasonstudio.com
Limited Vacancies!
Consula 2009 course here!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Bra And Panty To Wear Under Saree Salwar
typing services, transcription, editing, proofreading and translation services to businesses and professionals and individuals, individual or mass with regard to data typing .
seek to solve the needs of working actors involved.
Our mission is to service quickly, with commitment to our customers and doing our job efficiently and with a high degree of excellence.
Below are the services we provide:
1 - Business:
A-Organization of Documents.
D-Docs. E-Transcript
Audio (Recording must be in good condition, without major disruptions and background noise). F-Transcripts
G-Building and Development Database: Names and Addresses, Emails, Surveys, Records, Etc.
2 - Professional and Personal:
F-Curriculum Vitae. G-
research work.

J-Records en General.
3- Traducciones:
A- Opciones de Idiomas a Traducir (Inglés, Francés, Alemán, Portugués, Italiano)
B- Traducciones de textos técnicos (manuales, literatura técnica, etc.)
C- Traducciones de literatura convencional (novelas, cuentos, best sellers, etc.)
Se trabaja con todos los tipos de formato (Word, Excell, Power Point) , además de ser respaldados en CD.
Nuestros precios son según volumen (mínimo: 10 páginas, x mayor sobre 50 Págs.), formato (tamaño hoja, espacio escritura, tamaño letra), impresión (blanco/negro, color), etc.; hacemos descuentos especiales by volume.
Note: If the text is reduced will be charged according to the number of pages that result in the specified format. Pickup and delivery
currently works in the following radio: Providencia, Santiago Centro, San Miguel, San Joaquin, La Florida, Puente Alto, PAC. , Cerrillos, Estación Central, Independence, Quinta Normal, Maipú. Soon we will serve the remaining districts of Santiago with pickup and delivery jobs in the locations specified by the customer.

jobs are received from around the country, the form of receipt of work to be done such as sending the work already done is by mail, courier service, mail, CD or DVD.

If you are interested in having our services, please contact the following ways:
Deborah F. Barrera
08-4779327, 09-2999614, 02-8337476, e-mails
: a- serviciodedigitacion@gmail.com ,
Web Site: http://www.serviciodedigitacion.blogspot.com
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Gay Korean Male Models
left us ...

Nothing is said as an artist, which is a lot compared to what can be said of him as a human being.
left his imprint on his family and friends, also those who knew him. Living without you
going to be difficult because you had incorporated as the strongest tree, firmly rooted and never could see where it ended up, because it was you, there were no limits ... You let
much, much more than we thought, but beyond your work, there are no more adjectives that add, your great legacy was to share your infinite greatness with loved ones, to open minds to teach, to be a friend, generous, etc., but mostly did you want for everyone.
Chronicle told how bad were your last moments we let those "friends" prefabricated of cagamos we always laugh, we know we would have preferred and that is what they've emos.
remember Carlos as a crazy beautiful, that sie MPRE wanted everything to be funny, he would not have tolerated the sea of \u200b\u200btears in which we are drowning, but we have no other, became very fond of the "idiot" this , so for anyone interested in the honor it can send a picture, you can sending a link to the blog, then go up or just write.
always read your blog with enthusiasm, and became very happy, so I'm sure will be read from up there.
soon, "Matute."
miss you so much!
And I will love you forever!

Tapa de Red Song (serie para francia, guión de Carlos Trillo)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Make A Bird Center Piece
ANDREA DIAZ Study of Languages \u200b\u200bis a company that offers interpretation and translation services for English language and Castilian Castilian into English. Our services are geared to the technical, legal, commercial, journalistic, scientific and literary. Introducing the new website
Wording For Dinner Invite To Pay For Yourself
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Reviews Of Sherwin Williams Barcelona Beige
Marina was born in Buenos Aires in 1979.
At age 15 shot his first 16mm short animation on the Youth Film Workshop
Mate belonging to the Ministry of Culture of Vicente López.
remained in that institution until age 18 where he made 5 short videos and film
obtained several distinctions.
In 1997 he entered the race Image and Sound Design at the University of Buenos Aires
where he graduated, by another 4 short films on video.
From 1992 to the present begins to study acting, training plaintiff and direction of actors in various theater workshops among themselves in the Study Augusto Fernandes and Sebastian Blanco Leis on the method of Carlos Gandolfo (Actor's Studio). In 2010 he obtained a scholarship to attend the seminar Synergy Daniel Botti on philosophy and media.
Parallel to his studies, he worked as a production assistant and address
commercials and produced by Javier Leoz and participated in the film Cabeza de Tigre
Claudio Etcheberry as an actress. Between 2002 and 2005 he worked in film production
Aquafilms as an assistant to Enrique Piña,
participating in the production of his films Whisky Romeo Zulu and
Bye Bye Life and as a production assistant in films and Life Cama Adentro
Falcon Jorge Gaggero.
In 2005 he traveled to Europe and settled in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere he worked on the production
Film Festivals Docúpolis and Political Cinema Festival, among other productions
Back in Buenos Aires, in 2006 he directed advertising auditions for Actors
castinera. That same year until 2008, he joined the film production
Morocha Films as production coordinator for feature films The Lion
Otheguy Santiago, Foreign Ines de Oliveira Cezar, License Matilde
Number One Michanié, kill all of Esteban Schroeder, Stranded by Gonzalo Arijón,
among others. In 2008 worked on the launch and distribution of the film on its own eyes
director Liliana Paolinelli.
In 2008 he founded the production company www.actitudcine.com ATTITUDE FILMS, developing different business units of the visual task: films, production services, training workshops and enterprises of the cultural industry, from development to distribution and marketing . Alongside developing its own audiovisual productions.
Among his films is producing the documentary "Montenegro" and "The Bad Seed" by Jorge Gaggero, "God is everywhere, but serves in Buenos Aires" by Jonathan Ortegat, among others, and develop their own film productions: "The battles of Peace", "Red Tide", "Hazy Night "" Canoeists "and video art. In March 2009 he obtained a scholarship Ibermedia Argentina as the only representative to attend the III Diploma in Production of Panama "Duels of Peace": http://losduelosdepaz.blogspot.com/. In 2010
provides production service for TV show "Next Stop: Buenos Aires" directed by Gonzalo Franco Arijón Canal Art
After his experience as a teacher at UBA, CIC, Observatory Documentary generated since 2009 audiovisual training courses, including the program of his own composition entitled "Seminar on Independent Film Production" and "Clinic of production of audiovisual projects" in different cities: http://seminariodeproducciondecine.blogspot.com /. It is also invited as a jury of competitions and to make presentations on independent filmmaking at universities and film festivals.
also is developing the venture FILMAP Prime Interactive Map Audiovisual www.filmap.com.ar ALWAYS advised by the UIA, in the Entrepreneurial Development Program of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires and was selected entre mas de 3100 proyectos por su competencia emprendedora.
What Age Should A Lepord Gecko Eat Pinkies
She was borned in Buenos Aires in 1979. She graduated in 2004 as a Image and Sound Designer at Buenos Aires University (UBA-FADU). She went to the Juvenile Film Workshop in Vicente López for 4 year at the age of 15. Between 13 and 26 years old, she studied at different drama workshops and directing actor studios, such as Augusto Fernándes for 3 years.
Between 1998 and 2001, she worked as a producer and director assistant on publicity productions. From 2002 to 2005, she worked on the Enrique Piñeyro and Verónica Cura’s film producer company Aquafilms, as Piñeyro´s assitant (director and producer of the films Whisky Romeo Zulu, Bye Bye Life and Fuerza Aerea Sociedad Anonima). She coordinated Aquafilms and worked in the films Cama Adentro (Live-in Made) and Vida en falcon, both directed by Jorge Gaggero.
In 2005, she traveled to Europe and settled down in Barcelona where she participated in the film festival productions Docúpolis and Cinema Politics Film Festival, among others audiovisual productions.
From 2006, back in Buenos Aires, she worked on production and direction of castings for publicity for Protagonistas Agency. Soon after, from 2006 to 2008, she was incorporated into Morocha Films Producer Company, as producer coordinator, supervising the feature films from the project development until the commercial release. Meanwhile, she produced a short documentary called Inmigrantes in Vicente López that has been recognized by the Cultural Secretary of the Vicente López Council among other short films. During the three-month last period of 2008, she worked in the commercial realese of the film Proper Eyes.
She has been teaching “Audiovisual Design I” at Buenos Aires University, “Feature Films Productions” at Centro de Investigación Cinematográfica (CIC) and “Documentaries Productions” at the workshop “Observatorio de Cine”. Actually she is teaching a Independent Film Production Workshop, program of her own authorship, in differents cities: http://seminariodeproducciondecine.blogspot.com/
Since 2008 she Worked as a independent film producer and distribution, audiovisual productions and Developing Producing Such As Jorge Gaggero's documentaries "Montenegro" and "The Bad Seed" ("The bad seed").
Meanwhile, she is Developing her own film productions: the feature films "The battles of Peace" and "Red Tide", and the shortfilms "Hazy Night" and video art series.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Going Away Card Quotes
2009 to the present
"Montenegro" by Jorge Gaggero-digital film post
Buenos Aires Winner of Best Project Award Meeting 2008 Selected Interest Documentary
by INCAA for production digital termination. Selected
Market Mar del Plata 2008
"God is everywhere, but serves in Buenos Aires" by Jonathan Ortegat
Docmeeting Selected Scholarship Winner 2010 · CAPACC
http : / / docu-diosestaentodaspartes.blogspot.com /
"The Bad Seed" by Jorge Gaggero - Chosen
developing BAL - 11 º BAFICI - Section WIP, Buenos Aires. ALJAZEERA
Selected by the First Forum of Social and Political Cinema in the XI Int Film Festival on Human Rights, Buenos Aires.
Atlantidoc III Selected in 2009 in the Documentary Project Workshop, Uruguay.
2008 to present
Production Service for the TV show "Next stop: Buenos Aires" directed by Gonzalo Franco Arté Arijón
Channel Recording
test for the movie "puzzle" of Natalia Smirnoff
Production in the commercial launch and film festivals film "For their own eyes" Liliana Paolinelli
Coordination and commercial launch for the movie "License Number One" Matilde
Budget / Financial and Economic Plan for project Inflatable Castle "Paul Bardauil and Franco Verdoia
in 2009 to the present development
" Duels of Peace "- feature film
Scholarship winner to attend the III Ibermedia Production Diploma Panama 2009.
Special Interest Declared by the Municipality of Vicente López
With support from the German Embassy in Argentina More info www.losduelosdepaz.blogspot.com
"Red Tide" Zeising
Marina Telefilm
Developing Presented to INCAA
"Hazy Night" Zeising
Marina Short Production: Daniel Botti · Marinate Zeising
Developing Presented to INCAA
"Canoeists" Zeising
Marina documentary research and development
1994 to present "Europe x 5" - Short Video 2010
Art Exhibition: Museum of Fine Arts Salta, Virasoro Bar
"Fragile Perpetuity" - Short Video Art 2009
Display: Church of Sweden in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Danish Church, Virasoro Bar, Museo de Bellas Artes de Salta
"Nordic Runes" - 2008 Art CortoVideo
Display: Church of Sweden in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Danish Church,
Virasoro Bar Alberti Lozza Museum of Buenos Aires Province, Museo de Bellas Artes de Salta
Capitalism Playful "- Short Video Art 2007
Virasoro Bar
" Immigrants in Vicente López "- Video Documentary 2006
Mediometraje SPECIAL INTEREST DECLARED by the Municipality of Vicente López
Released in Cinema York, Olivos, Buenos Aires 2006
9 short films in an academic setting (Youth Film Workshop "Mate" and University of Buenos Aires) as writer, director and producer from 1994 to 2001
as production coordinator
fiction films and documentaries
2006 I 2008
"By their own eyes" by Liliana Paolinelli (Launch and distribution)
"The Lion" Santiago Otheguy
"I come from a plane that crashed in the mountains" ("Stranded") Gonzalo Arijón
"foreign" Agnes of Oliveira Cezar
"A place called Los Pereyra" Andrew Macklin Livov
"Bye Bye Shanghai" by Jana Bokova
"Kill All" Esteban Schroeder
"The Circle" by José Pedro Charlo and Aldo Garay (post)
" License Number One "Matilde Michanié (post)
" Tarde " Santiago Palavecino (development)
as a production assistant
fiction films and documentaries
2002 I 2005
"Whisky Romeo Zulu" by Enrique Piña.
"Cama Adentro" by Jorge Gaggero
"falcon Life" by Jorge Gaggero
"Bye Bye Life" by Enrique Piñeyro
Actress 1998 I "Cabeza de Tigre" by Claudio Etcheberry - Actress - Character: Daughter
an English actor.
2002 I "Whisky Romeo Zulu" by Enrique Piña - Dubbing - Voice on the answering
2009 I "puzzle" of Natalia Smirnoff - Actress - Character: Competidora
2010 I "Next Stop: Buenos Aires" TV show for Canal art directed by Gonzalo Arijón
Shelby Mustang Shower Curtain
- Special Invited Short Film Festival Tapiales to conduct an open discussion about Independent Film Production December 11, 2010.
- Special Invited by the International Latino Festival in Buenos Aires to conduct an open discussion about Independent Film Production September 16, 2010.
- Short Film Competition Jury "Projecting Dreams" organized by the University of Córdoba. 2010
- Entrepreneur Development Program Scholarship from the Government of the City of Buenos Aires for his venture FILMAP www.filmap.com.ar ALWAYS advised by the UIA in 2010 selected from more than 3100 projects for their entrepreneurship
- Synergies Workshop Scholarship (Philosophy & Media) by Daniel Botti. 2010.
- Scholarship Ibermedia Argentina as the only representative to attend the Certificate III Production of Panama for their fictional film project "The battles of Peace." 2009
- Between 1996 and 2008 participated in various workshops and open classes including Writing Workshop in the Museum of Cinema (1996), Aida Bortnik Open Classes (UBAFADU), Michel Chion (UBAFADU), Linda Seger (Gaumont 2008) John Malkovich (Locarno Film Festival 2005) and Robert Macklee (UBA FADU 2009).
- Short film documentary "Immigrant Vicente López" special interest awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the Municipality of Vicente López. 2006, 2007.
- Study Fellowship - Contemporary Interactive Seminar. Philosophical Study Group. Professors: C. Cullen, Á. Reyes, A. Piscitelli, P. Gagliesi, G. Cots, R. Ferro, A.
Kormblihtt and F. Luna. 2001.
- 16mm Short Animation "Once upon a time" - TV micro Zeising by Marina under the Film Workshop EL MATE, recovering his speech on the issue of Child Rights. Series "We have Rights: children think and create" Co-production with TV
Quality - Educable. 1997
- 16mm Short Animation "The Laws of Nature", finalist ECOVISION '95, Mar Del Plata. Issued by the satellite signal INFINITY 1995.
- 16mm Short Animation "The Laws of Nature", nominated for Uncut Award. 1995