present a new client who trusts our SEO service and internet marketing .
www.derematecasas.com.ar This is
DeRemateCasas Real Estate is a network across the country. What a public property in DeRemateCasas is seen around the country and the world. DeRemateCasas to subscribers does not charge any commission for any transaction being conducted. Only serves as a link between the two parties (the developer and the client).
The employment contract is for one year and aims to position with unlimited keywords properties for sale and rent that the company has published.
also created a Blog institutional where the company gives advice on real estate, how to buy property without risk, how to sell, what factors must be taken into account to make a risk-free real estate transaction.
institutional 20 videos were prepared in which the properties be advertised for sale.
The main objective is to position the brand DeRemateCasas as a reference for buying and selling real estate throughout the Internet.
To contact DeRemateCasas:
Telephone: (0221) 15-411-0916 - Nextel 615 * 162 - Email: santiagoblas@derematecasas.com.ar
If you are interested in our service Positioning can contact the following mail: posicionamiento@blasonstudio.com, or phone: 54 221 4230 399
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