Thursday, December 17, 2009
What Does Height Of Collimation Mean?
There was a time to have a business blog was optional. But times change.
I currently hold a blog is a must for any professional services firm. More and more buyers use Internet searches to identify and learn more about the companies we want to work. And a blog plays an important role for a firm is found by these buyers.
If you are persistent, a business blog can produce great results. In a study by Technorati, 71% of the responses of those having a business blog indicated that increased their visibility within their industries through their blogs, and 56% indicated that their blogs helped them establish a leadership position in their industries.
Here are 5 benefits your firm can get from "blogging":
1. Extend your network. A blog is a good way to develop relationships, you can share ideas with an audience of current and potential customers and helps build confidence.
2. Establish a two-way communication with customers. Thanks to feedback from readers you open a door to potential clients, colleagues, specialists, analysts, and others interested in his signature.
3. Expanding the scope of its signature and strengthen your brand.
4. Have a vehicle to publish and distribute their knowledge.
5. Increase traffic to your website. The content of your blog can lead traffic to your site and Improvement its position in search engines. Maintaining a blog
respresent a long-term commitment. When you set up a blog, and wrote on it, you also have to commit to participating in the blogosphere, reading and commenting on other blogs within your niche and providing marketing support for your blog.
But it is a commitment you have to assume, if you want to grow their services firm professionals. If you are still not posting a blog, what's stopping you?
Friday, November 27, 2009
Grounded Walnut Subtrait
Imagine for a moment that you are perceived as an expert in his field: automatically placed above their competitors and being the natural choice in their work.
Position as a "trusted adviser" is one of the best things that can happen. Suddenly you do not look any further for customers. Clients come to you. I know what you're thinking: it is easier said than done. So let's examine a strategy that will put in the way of the election become "obvious" in your field.
Early impressions are really important. This is the reason why you must show your expert status from the beginning, and through any form of communication with potential customers.
With this in mind, start thinking about what you can offer to the market that will position as an authority in your field, demonstrating their knowledge, ability and credibility. Here are some suggestions:
- Articles
Reports - Newsletters
- Events
- Seminars
Offer something that is not much cost to you, but is perceived as valuable for the market.
This approach works, and at various levels. For example, offer some value allows the potential customer "see" you, without having to invest time or money. Those customers genuinely interested in you will accept their offer. You begin to develop a list of qualified prospects. Therefore
begin to consider carefully every communication you have with your potential customers. What can you offer your audience to show credibility and capacity, and showing that you are an expert? Just try and be an important step in this strategy of positioning.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Half Wigs Curly Human Hair
Sometimes a customer gets a chance before you know you should not accept, but you still say "Go ahead." Perhaps the project is slightly beyond their means, or perhaps you will generate a timing issue that prevents proper focus to some other interesting project is to be realized.
In either case, you can find a way to convince themselves that everything will go well. After all, it sounds absurd that you do not seize a chance to check, especially in difficult times like the present.
Of course there are some consultants who accept the risk, successfully complete the work and earn their good weights. But I have heard a few stories on consulting projects that suffered a Kafkaesque metamorphosis: from a "challenging project" became an "unending nightmare."
What I mean is that sometimes it should say "no" even though it hurts in the short term. Consider the benefits of saying no. Somehow you are telling your client that you are more important to protect their interests (the customer) that their own financial goals, which will help to build lasting and reliable. At the same time you earn free time to pursue other opportunities more suitable.
not get me wrong. I'm not suggesting you not to take risks. But most of us who work as independent consultants should know precisely when we take a project and when not. Therefore, rather than plunge into the first available opportunity, think again, consider your options carefully and, if necessary, say politely: "step."
Can You Get High From Benzonatate?
And suddenly, one day, the phone stops ringing. At first you do not realize. He was busy serving customers, leading projects to date and collecting overdue bills, as do all professionals. But then a finished project or a customer left it, and you do not have anyone in line to replace him. Suddenly you realize that long ago that no one recommended to new customers. Caramba! What's going on here?
Whether you take ten months or ten years practicing, you may be surprised by this "drought of recommendations." When business is going well, the "referrals" come in two ways: either contacting the people who say that someone recommended it, or people in your network data passed to some prospects who might need their services. If neither of these things happen, you have a problem. Without referrals you have to work much harder to get new customers.
But to where did these referrals? Here are some reasons why these referrals away, along with some ideas to make them reappear.
1. You no longer visible . When was the last time you attended a professional meeting? What had any involvement in the community? What wrote an article? What spoke in public? Yes, I know, you were terribly busy, but if you cease to be visible in your market or your professional community, people will forget you.
Tracks: the only meetings on his agenda are meetings with clients. When you cross with colleagues they say: "For a long time since I saw you!"
Solution: No matter if you are very busy working for their clients get used to making at least one thing each month to keep it in sight.
2. His network of contacts made to expand. When your contacts are limited to people you already know, your referrals are limited only to people they know. If no one back in the circle, there is no place from which referrals could be coming.
Tracks: months ago that you do not add new names to its database of contacts. You do not make up their contacts to encourage referrals, because it has always been talking to people you already know.
Solution: ask everyone you know to him present that could be useful contacts. Invest some time to meet the people. Thus become the contacts too, and your network will automatically enlarge.
3. You are making contacts with the wrong people. Perhaps customers are consumers and you are making contacts in the corporate market. Or all your contacts are through their trade association, whose members are both direct competitors.
Tracks: you are in contact with many people, but nobody tells you. When you contact a referral, your needs do not fit what you do.
Solution: identify categories of people who have regular contact with your market, and have needs that you can cover. For example, an accountant who is dedicated to small businesses will get referrals through contacts with lawyers who are dedicated to the same market, while not do you much good contacts with doctors, consultants, large companies or other counters.
4. People think you're too busy. When you give the impression of being overworked, your contacts will stop recommending it. But if you expect to have less work to begin to "announce" he's ready to have more clients, often going to be too later.
Tracks: you hear that one of his usual referral sources are sending customers to a competitor. Someone says: "I thought you were not taking on new projects."
Solution: return all calls and messages referring potential new customers as quickly as possible, even if you're too busy. Recommend someone you trust and thank the person who sent them. This will encourage your contacts to follow recommendations in the future, knowing that your referrals are always well attended.
The secret to avoid the cycle of "drought of customers" that attacks many services professionals is to remain visible, rather than hunker down in the studio, and cultivating a network of contacts even when you do not need it. To maintain a constant flow of referrals, you need your referral generating activities receive the same attention that you are providing work for its current customers.
Monday, August 17, 2009
How To Remove Earrings With Butterfly Backs
DIYs. Marina Zeising I Production Film & audiovisual
graduate career Imaging and Sound Design at the University of Buenos Aires, began shooting in 16 mm at the age of 15 years. Between 1998 and 2001 he worked as a freelancer in different audiovisual productions. From 2002 to 2008, he joined the staff stable film production companies and Morocha Aquafilms Films, among others, participating in the production of more than 20 films. In 2005 he worked in film festivals in Barcelona.
In 2008 he founded the production company ATTITUDE FILMS, developing different business units of the task audiovisual films, production services, training workshops and enterprises of the cultural industry, from development to distribution and marketing.
in 2010 provides production service for TV show "Next Stop: Buenos Aires" directed by Gonzalo Franco Arté Arijón Channel produces documentaries "Montenegro" and "The Bad Seed" by Jorge Gaggero, "God is in all parties, but serving in Buenos Aires "by Jonathan Ortegat, among others, and develops its own audiovisual productions.
In March 2009 he obtained a scholarship Ibermedia Argentina as the only representative to attend the Certificate III Production of Panama by " Peace duels "
was a teacher at UBA, CIC, Observatory currently teaches documentary and audiovisual training seminars, including the" Seminar on Independent Film Production "and" Clinical production of audiovisual projects, programs of their own making, in different cities:
also is developing FILMAP Prime Interactive Map Audiovisual Industry. ar ALWAYS advised by the UIA, in the Entrepreneurial Development Program of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires and selected from over three thousand projects for their entrepreneurial skills.
* Productora de cine y TV, Distribuidora & Realizadora Documental inscripta en el I.N.C.A.A.
Bleeding Gums Around Veneers
Film producer & Audiovisual Director.
Graduated in Image and Sound Design at Buenos Aires University, she started shooting at her 15 yeras old. She has worked for over 10 years in the audiovisual media. Between 1998 and 2001 she worked as freelance on differents productions. From 2002 to 2008, she worked in the staff of the film productions companies Aquafilms and Morocha Films among others, on more than 20 full-length films, both fiction and documentaries. In 2005, she has worked on film festivals in Barcelona.
Since 2008 Marina Zeising founded Actitud Cine, an audiovisual production company located in Argentina, that offers film production services, audiovisual workshops and enterprises of the cultural industry, from his development up to his diffusion and commercialization.
She gave the production services in 2010 to the TV program "Next Stop: Buenos Aires" directed by Gonzalo Arijón for Canal Arté, France. Actually she is producing the documentaries "Montenegro" and "The bad seed" both from Jorge Gaggero between others projects of differents directors.
Meanwhile she is devolpment her own film productions and video art. In March 2009 she won an Ibermedia scholarship as the only Argentina representative, to attend the 3rd Production Workshop in Panama related to her first feature film "Los duelos de Paz":
She has taught at UBA [Buenos Aires University], CIC [Cinematographic Research Center, Argentina], BSAS Documentary Observatory, and actually she is teaching the workshops: "Audiovisual Production Workshop" and "Audiovisual Production Clinic", programs of her own authorship, in differents cities:
She is development the First Interactive Map from the Audiovisual Industry :, that has took advises from EMPREAR at the UIA during 2010 in the program "Desarrollo emprendedor" from Buenos Aires Council, and has been selected between 3100 projects because of his enterprises competition characteristics.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Can You Get Tums In Ireland
Working as a Team Serving Communities will attend
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Cannery Casino Drug Test
SENIAT RIF RL: No. J-29514353- 2 No. 45798 Exp SUNACOOP
No. 294,028 LEGAL Paragraph No. 17 of San Antonio IPOSTEL
5007 Email: Bldg Office Floor 7 Civic Centre 7-05 B / La Popa
SPC Cooperative: CSMSAPRL Public Record Office of Bolivar County Register San Antonio Tachira State Document (178) Volume IV First Protocol (I) Fourth Quarter November 5 of 2007 (196 and 147) Sunacoop No. 110 Folio 430. Registration Case No. 294,028. Act No. 02 Registration No. 393 Volume VIII First Protocol (I) Fourth quarter (18) December 2007. Conform to the Framework Law: Decree with Force of Special Law of Cooperative Associations published in the Official Gazette No. 38,643 of March 13, 2007.
Venezuelan Social Security No. T18212074 Company - Employers
Nil No. 273721-1 Ministry of Labour and Social Security No. 1170009285
Housing Policy Act CSMSAPRL
Code No. 951435320 Patent No. 7866 Bolivar County Municipal SOLVENCY
AMB/DT2009-0298 At December 31, 2009. No. 156143
Solvency: Sure, Banavih, Mintra.
IPOSTEL Legal Section No. 17 San Antonio Edo Tachira 5007
Ministry of Light Industry (MILCO) Procurement Registry (NCR) R3-20080701168018 BANAVIH And CADIVI. Bills with fiscal residence registration SENIAT
defined "CITIZENS RESIST SOMETHING FOR NOTHING or indulge in" Patria Socialismo o Muerte
Sincerely, Lic
General Coordinator Cooperative RIF: 84388808 -1
Tel: 0416 115 22 93 - 0278-511 3125 Email: - Write
International Trade Services & Advising through CI CISOL DEVELOPMENT SA EMA will attend Write
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
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serve and advise on industrial safety to their units ECONOMIC FRANKLIN A. Write
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Fun Birthday Wishes To Write

Most start with everything, with two or three daily post. But these are soon lost in the intensity of posting and are left by their administrators.
First, we have to say that maintaining a blog takes time and dedication. The information or content must be interesting for those who visit, that way we can establish a conversation and a relationship of trust with our readers.
Many bloggers have become influential to the extent that Many companies will send their new products for them to do a review of it, and your readers trust what they say. In many cases they have become true leaders of opinion.
Blogs and your business
Now you have a company and want to enter this world of blogs. Have a friend who recommended that blogs can make lots of money, are visited, which will bring much revenue, etc; How do?.
Suppose you have a natural cosmetics company, and they are really good. The manufacture take care of nature, etc. What kind of blog created to promote their products?
First you have to think a blog is not used just to sell. If you want to do that is fine, but it is recommended to give something in return. A person who enters a page and feel that you are selling runs out, unless you've been meaning to go shopping. But think that this is not going to be the case for your site at first. So what could be done to give something to my readers? Each time you visit our site to give her a product? NO! That would be expensive mus. Gift coupons? That could be. But do not come out of the typical sales page and this is your site, how much money it cost ... So what do I do??
The best way to sell now is not selling ... Cómoooo?? Yes, as read. A majority of people are bothered that they can sell you things. How do you feel when someone phones and we want to sell something? In many cases feel invaded. Different is, if the caller gives you something that can solve a problem. Understand the point? You are not selling anything, you are troubleshooting a problem with that product. If you do not buy it will be lost to address that both haunted him ...
With blogs we follow that logic. So if I have a place of natural cosmetics I can build a blog that contains tips on body care and skin healthy alimantación, ecology, skin care, etc. There you would be providing information that matters to all persons who might come get their products.
How come your company in that game? For example being the sponsor of this blog, not the owner, but he supports the blog and its contents Habal.
As we said before a good blog becomes leader of the opinion of its readers. Thus advertising your company on this blog would have a positive effect on readers. Because if you trust what is said there also will rely on sponsor ...
So you would be ensuring that everyone who comes to her official website, is a customer really believe something very difficult to achieve by having a site newly installed e-commerce.
SEO Service Inquiries:
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Community Service Completion Letter To Judge
Dannys Cheo
Rodolfo Jorge
Lic: Maria Mercedes Ricardo Password: Education Coordinating Instance
Pablo Zabala Castañeda: Treasurer
Agustina Monzalve: Secretary Student UNET
Carreño Jorge Eliezer Barcena
Monday, May 11, 2009
A Film About The Hymen
will attend Mr. Katheryne Méndez Calderón Salas Public Accountant
CEPROTACHIRA Bldg, Office No. 10, La Concordia, San Cristóbal
Tel: 0424-720.74.76 / 0426-779.48.80
Accounting, actions before the various agencies. All Parafiscal. Write
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Practice Naming Parts Of A Sailboat Diagram

The study opens a new course that covers all the needs of professionals and entrepreneurs trying to enter the field web services.
duraciión The course is 6 months, a total of 88 hours of classes. Our aim is also to teach effectively use web design programs and make optimum SEO campaign (SEO), a student understand the workflow between designer and client potential.
Course Details:
Professional Web Design Course
- Illustrator oriented web design
Dreamweaver - CSS
- Flash
Aimed at:
communication professionals , graphic design, public relations.
design students, computer programmers, communication. Entrepreneurs and SME entrepreneurs
Course Length: 64 pm - is taught in four months.
Classes: 2 per week. 2 hours each.
are group classes. No more than 4 people per group.
Professional SEO Course Intended

Professional communication, graphic design, public relations.
design students, computer programmers, communication. Entrepreneurs and SME entrepreneurs
Course duration: 24 hours, is enacted in two months.
Classes: 1 week. 3 hours each.
are group classes. No more than 4 people per group.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Both courses can be taken separately
Avalon Hill Games For Sale

One strategy to achieve one-way links to improve the Page Rank of our website is to comment on blogs that allow us to put our website on the form.
This way we can get many links with a very small effort.
This was used by spammers to comment (multiple), and get links almost free. Because we almost free? Because most of the contacts came down to this:
Very good your blog!
Good data!
I agree!
Congratulations for your blog!
Such comments are doomed to not pass the filters of the administrators. They hate these interventions, with good reason.
We think that carrying out a blog takes time and often money. Write a post is not a simple matter, one must provide quality information to visitors, but the place is dying ...
And that takes work ...
's comment is one of the pillars of blogs, is what allows a conversation between the blogger and their visitors. If our comment is not going to promote this game more better not do it because we will surely be banned.
addition, a good commentary (along with a web address) encourages its readers to visit the website of the commentator. If only we simply say, "What a great post!" not generate the need to click on the link to put.
Respect the work of others, make it good comments and we will make a profit: the long awaited link with the anchor text of our keywords ...
SEO Service Inquiries:
Monday, May 4, 2009
Maxine Men Retirement Cartoons

Ante esta situación comenzamos a pensar si en realidad es posible hacer negocios a través de Internet. Todo ese dinero invertido lo podría haber utilizado en la publicidad de la revista local... Si usted es uno de esos emprendedores este artículo es para usted. Le vamos a enseñar los dos caminos posibles.
El primero es contratar a un Servicio SEO profesional que le analice su sitio y cree una campaña de posicionamiento en buscadores efectivas. Which is going to attract potential customers, and that will come to your site looking for the service and / or products you offer.
However if you do not need to hire a professional SEO, you can start your promotion camapaña follows:
Directories: Provide your site with the subject directories
Blogs: comment on posts from other bloggers
Social Networking: Create company profiles
Social Bookmarks: scores your page on these sites with heavy traffic
That way you can begin to build popularity for your website, which is essential to increase the Page Rank and have a good search engine rankings.
Internet is an inexhaustible source of nogocios main thing is to know to be present where there are people who may need it.
Serious work and awareness of SEO can do it.
SEO Service Inquiries:
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
How Do I Find The Spec Of My Laptop

is well known that search engines reward sites that generate their own content. The more letters you write and update your site more often, more progress will be your promotion in search engines.
Another benefit is that many webmasters and bloggers will ask if you can publish your articles on their sites, which makes you win a lot of external links, which are essential to increase the Page Rank.
However, this process can be slow, and if visitors need urgent solution you can find the Link Baiting.
The technique is to create an article of general interest or for a niche market and start promoting it on the web, through forums, blogs, social bookmarking or news aggregators. These moves you will generate a rapid increase in visits and many incoming links.
While everything looks wonderful, you have to take into account a number of things. Do not abuse the amount of sites on which we place our article, because search engines may consider spam and what our web banner. Ensure that it is related to the topic at hand.
If we put in any place, people entering may not be interested in our services. Then in 1000 worth visiting, if 990 come and go quickly?
This is a very powerful technique if used conscientiously. Remember, abuse of a technique for more effective it is, we can bring many more problems (and very severe) than solutions.
SEO Service Inquiries:
Monday, April 27, 2009
Secrets Of Silver Strike 2010
Then we post a snippet of an article published by Albert Einstein, who like all his work stands the test of time ... He talks about the crisis and how it should be taken in order to grow and not fall into the general pessimism. Blazon Studio In
believe that there is always a way out, you just have to aim to find it. Everything is possible for those who believe, do not forget that. Blason
Studio Team -----------------

Impetigo Caused By Eczema

The competitive market in the city of La Plata, forced the company to experiment with Internet. To develop a website that . Then it was suggested to SEO for the web reaches people interested in their products.
The scope of this company is the city of La Plata and surroundings, so that the SEO will focus on this niche market. The results were really good. To this point, that the economic crisis affecting the sector is not our client. His bet on the Internet was entirely successful. This is so that it is developing a new website where you will add the new products have been added. Results
silver precast factory No 1
silver slabs No. 5
preformed in La Plata No 1
manufacture concrete panels silver # 10
What do you expect for an SEO campaign?
Are you aware that the investment cost is much less than any camapaña print, radio or television?
We can help you grow your negecio, campaigning for him.
SEO Service Inquiries:
Thursday, April 23, 2009
How To Unlock Dvb Channel

Work begins
Choose the best title for the web. Descriptive, with three or four words. In this form it will be easier to position itself at the top.
also reviews the links, try to be in HTML, not Flash.
And above all, will place great emphasis on the content. This is the most important because a site with little content, poorly distributed, and updated very forwardto will be difficult to punteee at the top if this is a competitive category.
Google likes sites that are updated often, the information is reliable and quality. Sooner or later this type of web are dotting the first.
Once the site meets all required conditions, the SEO starts its promotion strategy. Seek to give popularity to your site. In what way will? The most used are Link Building and Link Baiting. Both are looking to other websites linking our website, without the need for us to do with it. The sites must be of the same subject or related to ours, you must have a level of popularity comparable or superior to ours and should not be penalized by search engines.
I detect a bad SEO?

If he says he knows some gadgets to be well positioned quickly, runs out. For surely are techniques penalized by search engines. Usually good results at first, but sooner rather than later are discovered by search engines and your website can be penalized and removed from the database of these.
If you say you have a system to put your web directories and search engines in 2500, he is lying.
If you hire someone who does not say these things, stay calm, it sure is a good SEO.
SEO Service Inquiries:
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Gpsphone - Pokemon Fire Red Cheats
The importance of videos for people with visual characters
"Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a new science, and that began a little over 20 years in California, U.S. when Gregory Bateson, was to examine the communication between people based on the relationships they establish. Bateson developed a whole oriented philosophy of mind to describe how organisms perceive, think and act. "°
These studies established that there are three types of people: visual, auditory and kinesthetic.
How do you define personal neurolinguistic programming to visual?
"Not responding is particularly sensitive to music, prefers the visual arts. Tends not to appreciate the art review of any kind, but may be profoundly affected by visual displays. Focuses on details and components and not work as a whole. "° °
The importance of marketing with videos on the web
Given this explanation we understand that some people are more attracted to what they see rather than what they hear or feel. This means that for these people would be much more effective a campaign video or TV, a radio promotion or in writing.
If we take the web2.0 environment, make marketing videos umportante is because 1 / 3 of the Internet or our market niche much better than a video, a posdcast or text.
This type of research gives us the guidelines for marketing campaigns that do not provide a strategy video, lost to effectively reach a large proportion of potential customers. Something to keep MUYen account at this time. Haring Leonardo
Citations and Sources
° ° http : / /
SEO Service Inquiries:
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Ac Generator Stator Test

The Link Building is a popular strategy to build popularity in a web page, blog, social network, portal, etc. The technique is to create external links from our sites in other related websites, directories, social bookmarking, forums, etc.. This is achieved using different strategies.
Whenever we put a link, we must put the keyword you want to position. One way to do is:
[url =] Internet Marketing [/ url]
In both cases will be as follows: Marketing Internet
One of the techniques used is to comment on blogs and forums related to the site you want to position.

But here's the downside of all SEO: getting DoFollows link.
is dicultoso Why?
Many blogs and forums managers want to avoid spam, because if the get is NoFollow link (ie link search engine does not follow that once you meet him.), We will not achieve popular genres, key positioning and Page Rank.
also avoid comments that way in his post completely irrelevant as "very nice page", or "good post". These kinds of comments we feel a lack of ethics and respect for the work of another colleague, who spends time and money to keep this blog or forum. The reality is that it costs nothing to read a post and leave a comment of the discussion quality feed on it.
From this picture of the situation, we work we are doing Link Building complication DoFollows find sites that allow us to build popularity to our clients.
aware why we call all those who want this business and be aware that you can do a good job of positioning, working with the blogger or member, helping to popularize their quality post with comments.
Thus, we can make them increasingly DoFollows blogs and forums. Haring Leonardo
SEO Service Inquiries:
Friday, April 17, 2009
My Throat Hurts When I Use Afrin
Crest Studio invites the course SEO - SEO be carried out by Friends LatinManagers on 05/20/1909.

Your competitors are leading the market and do not know why? SEO is what you need. Techniques that optimize your business and positioned himself on the internet to increase their sales.
Internet marketing is becoming an increasingly important dimension in our society. When it comes to generating more sales through the web, positioning campaigns are essential.
During the day of the course, propose through the different features and techniques that constitute the practice of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so you can maximize the competitive advantage of the Internet to do business.
At the end of the course, attendees will have the basic tools to be able to understand and quantify the assembly of an SEO strategy, whether the process within their field of performance or delegated to others.
For more information log onto SEO Course - SEO
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
A Surgeon Hole With Bugs
Studio Blazon opens a new way of SEO (Search engine optimization) professionals. Learn how to effectively position a website, blog, social network, with all the marketing techniques (valid) there.

What will
- Dreamweaver and basic HTML
- Blogs, creating and positioning techniques.
- Study web site to position
- Determine a strategy
- Putting keywords
- What to consider before you start?
- As
forums - How to think blogs
- How to think social networks and social bookmarking
- Positioning with videos
- Create effective channels
videos - Link Building: Planning for the campaign, set times, one-way link building
- Link Baiting: techniques, planning, content development.
- The future of SEO
- Avoid being penalized by google.
- Internet marketing techniques

Aimed at:
- Professional communication, graphic design, public relations. Students
- design, computer programmers, communication.
- Entrepreneurs and SME entrepreneurs
- Webmasters
Course duration: 24 hours He taught in two months.
Classes: 1 per week. 3 hours each.
are group classes. No more than 4 people per group.
Queries: SEO Course