Mayor Cristina is a collector of jugs, bookmarks and all kinds of boxes, but this time we will speak only of his collection of tin boxes.
Cristina tells us that, in fact, bookmark the collects more than anything to have something to share when you go to fairs and collectors, because boxes and pitchers are not exactly comfortable to go paseándolas collections from one place to another ... But it has any obligation to go to fairs and meetings Cristina collectors? then no, but that is precisely one of the things she likes most of collectors, the interact with others who have similar hobbies and enjoy that environment
To to address the issue of this collection of tin boxes, start at the beginning. We all know what a box, but what exactly is tin? Tinplate is a flat plate, very thin, of iron or steel, tinned on both sides. After preparation is used for the manufacture of various articles .
To to address the issue of this collection of tin boxes, start at the beginning. We all know what a box, but what exactly is tin? Tinplate is a flat plate, very thin, of iron or steel, tinned on both sides. After preparation is used for the manufacture of various articles .
Tin is already used in primitive peoples, before working the iron, because the fact that lower temperatures needed to melt, would facilitate handling. In Egypt, 3,500 years a. C. was used in alloy with copper to obtain the bronze. Since ancient tin objects were manufactured (they bathed in it once they were made), not to be confused with the objects of tin, made from sheets of such material.
The preparation of data sheets of tin d the nineteenth century, with its place of origin Bavaria. Later tin was manufactured in Nuremberg and other German locations and in the seventeenth century, the region of Dresden was a major exporter of this metal.
Tinplate capital grew in importance when it was first used in food packaging. When you a review of developments in the field of packaging, date back to 1810, when Napoleon preparing his Russian campaign and launched a competition to solve the problem of preserving food for the troops. The winner was Nicholas Appert who invented a method of preserving food airtight, which packaged in glass bottles sealed with cork, secured with wire, and subjected to a boil.
But it was the Englishman Peter Durand, who scored in his country, the same year, 1810, the first patent for food packaging containers tin. It was a cylinder closed at both ends and which parts are joined by soldura. After opening the system perfected. A few years later, the contribution of Louis Pasteur in sterilization allowed a breakthrough in food packaging.
Although tin boxes used to package various items, from snuff to tennis balls, to fish hooks are the most popular of which are intended to contain sweets, especially candy and cookies. Cristina has them classified as continental items: pharmaceuticals, food, candy ...
Our collector says it currently has a of different kinds. If you have been able to collect such an amount that's because, in addition to those she has
been buying, has also received many gifts. And among those who have given him most are his friends of the association of collectors BITXIKIAK . This entity is based in Mungia (Vizcaya) and has about 100 members, most of whom do not one, but several libraries.
Indeed, Cristina wants to take this opportunity to announce that the 2nd and will be held April 3 there Mungia (Vizcaya), a collectibles fair exhibitions, trade and buy is nta, which all are invited to participate. The Association organizes various events throughout the year and one of the activities that has caught our attention, is that prepared every year in collaboration with the City Council and other associations. It is the recreation of the town as it was about 80 or 100 years, with his store, train station, a farmhouse, a bodeguilla, etc.
Over time, tin boxes, designed to contain and preserve some products have ended up with role own, taking care of design, originality, quality ... Not only are a must to sell a product, but bought by them. Who has not ever bought a can because it has been in love with the landscape, the childhood scenes or composition that look fun, not caring too much how are the cookies on the inside? When you finish what's inside, the can always be with us, fixing photos, wires, marbles, cards, bookmarks ...
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