Friday, February 4, 2011

Sample Letter Of Support For Community Service

The end of I-5. " Photos

In this blog, and some chapters have been devoted to the class patrol Inspector Tenant Tobacco Company, but only a few days ago visiting" "stumbled a section of the forum dedicated to sharing end of "Uad-Lucus," UAD-Muluya "and tobacco" I-5. "theme is illustrated with a photo of poor quality, but certainly historic, part of the book José Luis Alcofar Nasser "Naval Forces in the English Civil War of 1971, which is seen one of the vessels in this action and out of combat and stuck a few meters from the beach.

The ship which appears in the photo is said to be the "Uad-Lucus, but I was extremely familiar. So much so that I can assure you that this is a police Inspector class, and can not be other than the "I-5." It was not necessary, but for absolute certainty overlaid a profile of the Inspector-class vessels on the picture with the help of Photoshop, and was in all points, and all with the "Uad-Lucus.

We can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe state in which it was the elegant Inspector, who along with his colleagues could share anything do about the tremendous potential of the cruiser Almirante Cervera. "

This sad episode was told so by D. Eugenio Meléndez Brea sailor "Uad-Muluya."

the 9th of October at ten o'clock we received the order to bombard the coast of the Linea de la Concepcion and we answer to our mounting aggression of 15.5 set in Sierra Carbonera by we had to withdraw to avoid being hit by the bullets of the battery because the barrel was our only 7'5 and we were very near the coast.

In this operation with us was also the Coast Guard "Uad-Lucus" and launch "I-5" of Tabacalera, SA

When we headed to Estepona, we were surprised by several Dornier aircraft passing low over our boats began to strafe.

The reason for being in the boats was due to long distance cruiser "Admiral Cervera" I tried to overtake us started firing their guns on our ship and making it impossible to cope with the inferiority of the defense, we turn to the boats to gain ground.

Shortly after making the abandonment of the ship was hit by the bullets of the "Cervantes" sinking below.

Then came the "Lucus" and the launch of the Tobacco also were sunk.

Once ashore we went to San Pedro Alcántara and a truck took us to Manchester.

From our boat "Uad-Muluya" there were no casualties but the "Uad-Lucus" several deaths.

Shortly after Nationalist troops would seize three ships in Malaga Inspector class, the "I-2", "I-4" and "I-6" to sail from time to the red and yellow flag.


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