Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2006 Pearl Jam Best Bootlegs

Postcards with maps



Within the wide range of subjects offered by the collecting of postcards s, there is a very instructive: the postcards with maps (or "of" maps ...). And we know this mode of Cia Íñigo hand, a ccionista cole navarro.

Inigo tells us that as a child was interested in the postcards. As usual, at first it was just a game and was limited to save that came his way. With Over the years kept this hobby, though he went through seasons more or less interested in the subject. But, it can be said to have been these last 8 years he has focused more intensely on the library and also those who have been more productive, because thanks to the Internet has met other collectors, with whom he could exchange parts and information.

The theme of the maps began to engage in particular about 6 years ago, when he completed the collection of countries and territories worldwide. It was not easy to achieve this goal, but could take out by Inigo believes that the greatest collector of postcards of the world (a German who has exhibited for all countries and that has come to collect more than 300,000 copies . It is currently collecting retired). The fact is that, once he had gathered all countries, our collector said he had many postcards c on maps, so I thought it would be interesting to get at least one map of each country. Said and done, got to work and and complete! Now the goal is to find the regions of each country, which, evidently, is a much more difficult. The remaining maps usually not interest you, except in the case of cities or places that are declared by the Unesco World Heritage Site.

In this type of map postcards, the most sought is that the map is the m Otive main the same and is the most illustrative and detailed as possible.
Among the countries which have greater representation is, of course, Spain, but also has many of the U.S., France and Italy. Incidentally, France has a very beautiful collection, consisting of maps of the 95 departments. However, there are countries which is very difficult to find examples, eg the Russian environment, because there are virtually no because it is not edited.

Except those places where no ntran survey can be said, however, that the issue of the maps appears frequently on postcards, it is very colorful and makes a typical mailing more than a few simple images, offering information additional . Maps can be dedicated to bringing the geographical boundaries of a region or country, its topography, road network, the network of a city subway, pointing to a string department stores or fast food restaurants and a thousand data. And is there a specific map for everything: historical maps, art, gastronomy, etc..

addition m aps and, as one of the preferred sub-collections, Inigo has referred to the postcards of countries and territories worldwide. It should be noted that this type of post has collected copies of 268 different countries and dependencies.

also interested in the Unesco collection. Today there are 911 Unesco sites and our collection has them all. Only he and another collector (A German) have managed to reunite, according to Unesco Ranking List, list made in Yahoo groups and brings together the top 40 collectors in the world in this field. But to better understand all the collections which Inigo, it is best that you asoméis to your page "My Postcards Collections."

And, as we explained our collections, to increase the collection used to exchange with other collectors to contact you online or also participate in forums or through web pages. Lately it has also managed to buy enough pieces on websites online, although he says there is not many.
Inigo tells us that to keep all this material, use fifty boxes of cardboard that has made him as his father, who is very grateful. And no wonder, because I was working and it n 6 months! The postcards of the maps stored in albums articulated their most prized collections, as are models with appropriate comments so they can be lead to exposure. So far only made one, but this year is projected over and hopes to offer many more, because he likes to show his collection, as we usually go to all our collectors "Creatures." A collection to travel with the imagination and learn many things.


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