Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Birt Bike Hill Comb Cake

A collection of badges basketball


Eduardo is a young Valladolid basketball insignia collector. Collection ona all kinds of badges with this issue, no matter what or loop to be missed, nor is any impediment the material they are made. Pin collectors of football are often more demanding and specialized specify when the object of his collection, because they have plenty of choice and tend to focus their interest in some specific aspect. Thus, it is often interested only in those which are manufactured in a material particular or who are "official", but as in basketball there is less supply of material as it tends to accept everything that is done on the subject.

Speaking of issues, some of the recurrent motives used and n the composition of these pins are precisely the basic figures in this sport, as the ball, followed network and the board. When pins is clubs, figure prominently the name of the computer. The names of the countries do not usually appear, because the national federations pins are the symbol of the federation in question or the country's flag, but not the name. .

remember that this sport was invented by James Naismith in 1891, professor of physics at the YMCA eduacion d e Springfield, Massachusetts (USA). Introduced in the Olympics in Amsterdam (1928) and Los Angeles (1932) as an exhibition game, but it was not until the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, when do category went to the Olympic Game. Women's basketball had to wait for the Games of Montreal (1976) to get into competition.

Our collection started with this collection when, on one occasion that the team visited the Sports Pisuerga Cáceres de Valladolid, Cáceres coach gave him a pin.

From then became interested and more and has not stopped with this hobby. Acquire new pieces is not difficult. He does so through the sandwiched MBIO with other collectors and asking them teams, players or coaches. Also, the purchase provided that it is possible when you travel or online.

Edu A look interesting all the badges you have, but of course there are some who like more than others. But while there may be preferences for the design, it is this aspect that gives more importance. Especially appreciates the antiquity of the piece, if equipment is missing copies, of countries with little tradition baloncestítica, if rare badges ... For example, as some of the company that has Bertoni Milan, which is what made the trophy World Football. .
It also has a penchant for McDonald's Open badges (basketball tournament co-hosted by the NBA and FIBA), sponsored by McDonald's. This competition was held on 9 occasions between 1987 and 1999 and Edu has the 9 pin, which was not easy to achieve. To give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it cost you done with them, suffice to say that come from seven different locations!

Edu has in its collection over 700 pieces that represent 48 countries. The most represented country is, of course, Spain, but also also has many of France. And, of course, United States, where sports collecting is much more established than in Europe. The oldest item you own is l to the Eurobasket of Budapest, 1955.

As regards the classification and cataloging of the parts that we have cataloged all the insignia belonging to English teams, but lacks the other sort, though it is numbered. Fortunately, the website that has been created to give out your collection, " basketball logos, helps you keep up with who has or has not. It has opened up different sections and when you have entered all the photos and information will a estupendod file. Paragraphs are devoted to: the World Basketball, EuroBasket, Olympics, Eur Oleaga, English Teams, Events ACB Teams from other countries, federations of Spain, federations of other countries, NBA, McDonald's Open, and Miscellaneous.

This site, which is working, not only is useful to organize the collection, but has allowed contact with many collectors to be able to exchange information and parts. And the fact of showing his work and his hobby has achieved what could not imagine: that many people give away its flagship s, parts often have in his possession and has not central good for nothing and give you a great joy to Edu. Such was, for example, he had one day to receive an envelope large enough and read the name of the sender who sent it to: Javier Imbroda (former national coach) that he sent a number of badges. And is that Edu aims high with its collection. We wish to continue adding many many, forgiveness, badges!


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