Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hysterectomy And Yeast Infection

A collection of rings pigeon

A ring

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Diego Gambeta May is a collector of rings that are placed on the pigeons to identify them. These rings are the ID of these birds and contain information from your country of origin and year of birth of the dove and, thanks to the numbers, you tell the region it comes from. In the picture we can see Gabino, the pigeon Diego favorite, wearing the ring on its leg identification blue.

known is the meaning of the orientation of homing pigeons and their resistance to fatigue. They are specially trained to return to his loft, covering long distances and are able to go from 700 to 1000 miles a day, reaching an average speed exceeding 90 km / h. Since antiquity have been used in all countries to send messages, carrying in his legs. These texts are given a very specific name: columbogramas. Armies around the world have also used this system and had always trained pigeons. Until recently still had, in anticipation of that, in an emergency, could miss the latest media. Officially, the English Army was with them until last year 2010 but had ceased to be effective this service since 2006. Indeed, it is curious to know that some pigeons have been decorated war merit, in consideration of services rendered.

identification These rings you will first aluminum were recorded and subsequently have been made of aluminum with text on paper and lined with plastic. Today, these are the used, although there are many countries that the manufactured completely in plastic. In Spain, the step etched aluminum to aluminum and plastic paper was conducted in the year 1979, which coexisted with the two types of rings.

But how Diego happened to make this collection? it tells us that this is a difficult question to answer. The fact is that pigeons have started when I was about 10 years (now has more than 40) and occasionally appeared in his loft a banded dove. Some stayed, others, especially men gers, they went a few days, but those that remained when they reached a certain age they died. Then, it occurred to go keeping the rings takes ban and hung from a string, like many fanciers today. About ten years ago decided to start seriously collecting rings and was asking other friends who also had birds, including hunters, who sometimes had killed unintentionally. And so it was getting copies. By the way, save the system consists of a wooden box with removable rods fiberglass, which puts the rings Diego nations and in order of the year.
The rings are provided by the federations, which are responsible for commissioning manufacture and distribute them among the provinces. There are also calls ring property, you can order any particular individual manufacturers. So does Diego, who puts his own ring to the pigeons, although this type of ring is not the collections.

The rings are made in virtually all countries. The first country in which they were made seems to have been Belgium, around 1890, rather in the 90's of the century. In Spain, the former are of 1928 and the club used a canary.

currently collecting ring dove is widespread, especially in Europe. Rank as the Belgian, Dutch, Germans and Poles, so it is easier to get a ring of any of these countries from Spain. In fact, the oldest ring is Diego is one of France from 1938 with property card (the card is a document certifying that the carrier pigeon that ring is yours.)
Diego Thanks to the Internet has already connected ado with ten collectors as well as three Mexican English, Colombian, three Brazilians and an Argentine, this gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow widespread this collection type.

By the way we have explained how to use carrier pigeons? for the uninitiated, we must clarify that it is to be given an address and they go directly to carry the mail, but are transported to a place and, when released there, they return to their loft. You do not usually take more than three or four days, they fly day and night. The record for distance covered seems to be that is currently in the 9000 K. Our collector lives in Badajoz and there wait the return of such hard-working and household birds each time they organized a trip "back home." Meanwhile, the collection of rings allowed know the existence of other birds, other people, other countries and hundreds of road trips in the air.


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